Lost | Avenged SevenfoldCenturies pass and still the sameBerabad tlah berlalu dan tetap samaWar in our blood, some things never changePerang dalam darah kita, beberapa hal tak pernah berubahFighting for land and personal gainBerperang demi tanah dan keuntungan pribadiBetter your life, justify our painPerbaiki...
Friday, 30 September 2016
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Tears And Rain | James Blunt

Tears And Rain | James BluntHow I wish I could surrender my soul;Andai aku bisa menyerahkan jiwakuShed the clothes that become my skin;Lepaskan bajuku yang menjadi kulitkuSee the liar that burns within my needing.Lihat kebohongan terbakar bersama harapankuHow I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.Andai...
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Angel | Westlife, Sarah McLachlan

Angel | Westlife, Sarah McLachlanSpend all your time waitingHabiskan seluruh waktumu tuk menungguFor that second chanceMenunggu datangnya kesempatan kedua itu For a break that would make it okayMenunggu waktu istirahat yang akan membuat segalanya baik-baik sajaThere's always some reasonSelalu ada...
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Glass Houses | Bad Omens

Glass Houses | Bad OmensI see through youAku melihatmu seutuhnyaI know what you areAku tahu dirimuI've seen the Devil more than I've seen GodAku lebih melihat keburukan daripada kebaikanI see through youAku melihatmu seutuhnyaI know what you areAku tahu dirimuI've seen the Devil more than I've seen...
Monday, 26 September 2016
Marry Your Daughter | Brian McKnight

Marry Your Daughter | Brian McKnightSir, I'm a bit nervousTuan, aku agak grogi'Bout being here todayBerada di sini hari iniStill not real sure what I'm going to sayMasih tak yakin apa yang akan kuucapkanSo bare with me pleaseMaka bersabarlahIf I take up too much of your timeJika nanti aku menghabiskan...
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Forsaken | Dream Theater

Forsaken | Dream TheaterFor a while I thought I fell asleepSesaat lalu kukira aku tertidurLying motionless inside a dreamTerbaring tak bergerak di dalam mimpiThen rising suddenly I felt a chilly breath upon meLalu bangkit tiba-tiba kurasakan nafas dingin She softly whispered in my earDia berbisik...
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Goodnight Moon | Go Radio

Goodnight Moon | Go RadioAnd don�t go to bed yet love, I think it�s too earlyJangan pergi tidur dulu sayang, Kurasa masih soreAnd we just need a little time to ourselvesKita butuh waktu untuk bersamaIf my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning I'll give it hellJika jam menunjukkan pukul 4 pagi,...
Friday, 23 September 2016
Treat You Better | Shawn Mendes

Treat You Better | Shawn MendesI won't lie to youPadamu kutakkan berdustaI know he's just not right for youAku tahu dia tak pantas untukmuAnd you can tell me if I'm offDan kau boleh menyanggah jika aku salahBut I see it on your faceTapi kulihat di wajahmuWhen you say that he's the one that you wantSaat...
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Miracles | Coldplay

Miracles - ColdplayFrom up above I heardDari atas sana kudengarThe angels sing to me these wordsPara bidadari senandungkan untukku kata-kata iniAnd sometimes in your eyesDan terkadang di matamuI see the beauty in the worldKulihat keindahan di duniaOh, now I'm floating so highOh, kini aku melayang begitu...
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Love Will Remember | Selena Gomez

Love Will Remember | Selena GomezJustin:Hey babe it's me, I just wanted to call to tell you thatHei, Yank, ini aku, aku menelpon karena ingin bilang bahwaI love you so so so so much,Aku sangat mencintaimuJust wanted to let you know that you are my princessHanya ingin memberitahumu bahwa kaulah bidadarikuYou...
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Cancer | My Chemical Romance

Cancer | My Chemical RomanceTurn awayPergilahIf you could get me a drink of waterJika kau bisa memberiku segelas air'Cause my lips are chapped and fadedKarna bibirku pecah-pecah dan layuCall my Aunt MariePanggillah Bibi MarieHelp her gather all my thingsBantulah dia mengumpulkan barang-barangkuAnd bury...
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Rock N Roll | Avril Lavigne

Rock N Roll | Avril LavigneLet them know that we still rock and rollBiar mereka tahu bahwa kita masih suka ber-rock and rollI don't care about my makeupAku tak peduli dengan dandanankuI like it better with my jeans all ripped upAku lebih suka kenakan jinku yang robek-robekI don't know how to keep my...
Friday, 16 September 2016
Wind Of Change | Scorpions

Wind Of Change | ScorpionsI follow the MoskvaSungai Moskwa kususuriDown to Gorky ParkHingga Taman GorkiListening to the wind of changeMendengarkan hembusan angin bergantiAn August summer nightDi hangat malam AgustusSoldiers passing byLalu lalang prajuritListening to the wind of changeMendengarkan hembusan...
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Love Story | Taylor Swift

Love Story | Taylor SwiftWe were both young, when I first saw you.Kita masih sama-sama muda, saat pertama kumelihatmuI close my eyes and the flashback startsKupejamkan mata dan kilas balik dimulaiI'm standing there, on a balcony of summer air.Aku berdiri di situ, di sebuah balkon saat musim panas.I...
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