Thursday, 6 October 2016

No One Else Like You | Adam Levine

No One Else Like You | Adam LevineOh, woahOh, yeahIs everything just right?Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja?Don't want you thinking that I'm in a hurryKutak ingin kau mengira aku sedang terburu-buruI want to stay your friendAku ingin tetap jadi temanmuI have this vision that has got me worriedAku punya...

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Time Is Running Out | Muse

Time Is Running Out | MuseI think I'm drowningRasanya aku tenggelamAsphyxiatedNafasku sesakI want to break the spellIngin kupatahkan mantraThat you've createdYang tlah kau ciptakanYou're something beautifulEngkau adalah sesuatu yang indahA contradictionSebuah kontradiksiI wanna play the gameIngin kumainkan...

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Closer | The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey

Closer | The Chainsmokers feat. HalseyHey, I was doing just fine before I met youHei, aku baik-baik saja sebelum bertemu denganmuI drink too much and that's an issueMasalahku hanyalah terlalu banyak minumBut I'm OkTapi aku baik-baik sajaHey, tell your friends it was nice to meet themHei, bilang pada...